


Category: Field Notes of the Week

60" Cypress Tree

Note the tie to a 60” cypress tree


G.L.O. accepts Collier monuments

A Pine Tree Marked as Corner

A Pine tree marked as corner (Vol 211 page 130) and later fallen and decayed (Vol 218 page 83).

Vol 211 page 130.pdf

Vol 218 page 83.pdf

Horeseflies, Alligators, and Bad Water

Wisconsin CCR

Axle found in 1956

The field notes show finding an axle at the corner in 1956, Mr. Chip Gardner found the axle earlier this year.

Historic Survey Field Notes - Florida 1825

C-38 Field Book 41E

Callosahatchee River

What was the temperature in 1931? (on page 16)

2P1-Callosahatchee-River.pdf (36mb)

Lake Okechobee - Meander Corner Extension

Conner's Highway

What unusual corner markers have you found?

Volume 271 p602 Field Notes 39S 32E Lester Mann.pdf

“A Tree corner” the corner of sections 4,5,32 and 33 Townships 38 and 39 South, Range 33 East.

PLSS, ties to a Cherry?

Live Oak Island

The following field notes are very interesting and detailed (unlike today's field notes). They describe the contract with the crew, a Polaris shot in 1897 and much more. Field notes are our umbilical cord. But they are getting worse every year. In survey review, you always ask for the field notes. Too bad it is a lost art.

Field Notes.pdf (22 mb)

Song of the 3-Man Crew


thanks to Mary Hanna Clodfelter of Mock Roos and Associates

T47 R 41 Section 1 & 2 Field Notes

T51 R41 Newman 1908

T51 R41 JNewman Vol 259 p 463-475 1908.pdf (note: measurements are in feet)

T44 R41 RF Ensey Field Notes