


Author: Howard Ehmke

Making Land Surveys by Cunnyngham

New Signals, New Launches, and Faulty GPS Receivers

GPS World: New Signals, New Launches, and Faulty GPS Receivers

Next Generation of GPS

New GPS Signals

The government is in the process of fielding three new signals designed for civilian use: L2C, L5, and L1C. The legacy civil signal, called L1 C/A or C/A at L1, will continue broadcasting in the future, for a total of four civil GPS signals. Users must upgrade their equipment to benefit from the new signals.

You Tube & Jobs in Mobile LiDAR

R&D of Mobile LiDAR Mapping and Future Trends

3D for Infrastructure

Mobile LiDAR Consider the Benefits

Senate Bill 1094 - Global Positioning System (GPS)

IGSO 2008 GPS issues

E-GVAP - EUMETNET GPS Water Vapour Programme


Setting up in practice - tips for surveyors

Professional Land Surveyors' Act (Effective 1/1/2015)

Guide to Engineering & Land Surveying

Business Practices for Surveyors, Iain GREENWAY, Ireland

United States Supreme Court Revisits Land Use Law in Recent Ruling

General Overview of Riparian Rights in Florida

Property Rights - Orange County

Vertical Datum and NAVD 88

by Petr Vanicek

Modernizing the Geopotential Datum - Replacing NAVD88

Seismic Airgun Surveys

ESRI for Surveying

What's new for CAD integration in ArcGIS 10

NGAC v10 Datum presentation

New Geometric Datum


Accurate Elevations for Sea Level Change Sentinel Sites

January/February 2014 National Geodetic Survey- NOAA

SURV322 Hydrographic Surveying

Degrees of success: Meeting professional standards through distance e-learning

A thought


Latest Innovation in CADD

Surveying 1 – Introduction to Leveling Australian style

Make a 3D-scanner

Mine Mapping

Bridge Surveying - 3D Laser Scan

Geodetic Surveying 1940-1990

Licensed Profession or Licensed Trade – The 4-year degree’s impact on surveying by Dave Gibson

Perspective on the Future of the Surveying Profession (2011)

USGS Global Positioning Application and Practice

To Translate Bentley GEOPAK and Bentley InRoads Files to Files that Can Be Used in AutoCAD Civil 3D

What is an AutoCad suface XML File?

How can Drones transform Surveying

Footsteps Magazine

Automation of Surveying Creates Disruption and Opportunities

USGS Global Navigation Satellite System

USACE Survey Monument Archival & Retrieval Tool

What's Important To Clients? It's All About Trust

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority

Real Estate Due Diligence 101

USGS Publications Warehouse


U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

5F, LLC v. Robert Dresing

Advisory Legal Opinion - AGO 90-37


2009 Supreme Court case on Mean High water

National Geodetic Survey Data Explorer

NOAA Shoreline Website

US Air Force to Launch New GPS Satellite Tonight

Atlas 5 rock carries new GPS satellite into Space

Trimble Introduces Compact OEM GNSS UHF Receiver Module

Trimble Introduces Compact OEM GNSS UHF Receiver Module for High-Accuracy Positioning.

Survey News

FAA Loses UAV Case to Texas Based Search & Rescue

Florida Senate votes unanimously to restrict drones

Florida Senate votes unanimously to restrict drones

Florida Police Drones

Florida Police Drones: House Committee Unanimously Passes New Bill Restricting Use

History of Orange County, FL

Abandoned, or extinguished?

74 F. 3d 1240 - Belka v. Penn Central Corporation
Abandoned, or extinguished.

Report of the Secretary of the Interior

Best iPhone Apps that Measure Elevation

Improved access to land survey records and monuments

Survey monuments and the Law

Interesting use of the Laser Scanning for recreating the battlefield beaches and bunkers

The story of the Invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, when Allied forces launched an all-or-nothing
attack on Nazi-occupied Europe via five heavily defended French beaches.

The documentary makes use of LiDAR technology to recreate the landscape; and focuses on a five-hour period on Omaha beach.
It also offers micro and macro views of the assault, detailing the experiences of individual soldiers
while also pulling back to provide a big picture of the battle.

The Silliness of Borders - USA & Canada

Tide Stations within the US

NOAA Historical Shoreline Survey Viewer

Use the Google Maps portion you can make their map transparent on current photography and download the maps, add a world file and plot it on your map.

Examples of Land Surveyors in the Bible by William D. Hatfield

Resources Related to the Florida Spanish Land Grants

Knud’s Publications

Texas Military Forces utilize sextants and centuries old surveying techniques

What is an “Ordnance Survey”?

Millennials and Baby-boomers

Continents in Collision: Pangea Ultima

What is the difference between NAD83 and NAD83(HARN)?

NAVD 88 is a changing..

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

2013 Chapter 472 Florida Statutes

Florida Historical Topographic Maps

Architectural and Historical survey of High Springs Florida

Osceola County Survey

Florida Geological Survey

Florida East Coast Railway

William J. Krome's Lasting Legacy in South Dade

Land Ordinance of 1785

Guidelines for writing legal descriptions

Quadcopter and Multirotor Resource Site!

It's a bird, it's a plane ... no, it's a drone -- shoot it!

15 ways drones will change your life

Florida's East Coast Canal

A History of Florida's East Coast Canal. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway from Jacksonville to Miami.


Federally Authorized Channels Maintained By The Corps of Engineers

Will drones hover freely over Florida?

Phantom Eye by Boeing

LiDAR Drones

Everglades Restoration A Constitutional Takings Analysis

Brevard County Mosquito Control District v Michael Blasky and Anitia Blasky

MacNamara v. Kissimmee River Valley Sportsman Ass’n

Surveyor’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Fixing Uncertain Boundary Lines

Fixing Uncertain Boundary Lines from the New Jersey State Bar Association

Quasi-judicial Functions of the Land Surveyor

Leveling a Nation


Bottles, Pots, and Pans

Preflight Turbulence for Commercial Drones

Glossary of BLM Terms

Worst job in history?

AUVSI what is it?

Florida Surveyor - Rewriting Job Description

NCEES President's Award - Dr. Gibson

Contractor's Guide to Minimum Standards

I thought this article was well written and contained a good background of GPS derived vertical values along the Louisiana Coast, minimum standards, pre-planning, field procedure, establishing permanent deep rod monuments and more.


FLA. Chapter 70.001 Private property right protection

GIS Mapping at the Texas GLO

Washington State Definitions

The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2

Fort Montgomery Lake Champlain & Richelieu River Rouses Point

OPUS Published Solutions (Sort of a Bluebooking for dummies)

VERTCON Download

National Adjustment of 2011 Project

GNSS Surveying Technologies for the Future

Young Surveyors vision for the Future of the Surveying Profession

Possible Future Technological Developments for Boundary Surveying

The Future of Land Surveying is Now. Are You Prepared For It?

Puerto Rico Vertical Datum

Puerto Rico Vertical Datum of 2002 (PRVD02) has been published for the entire island.

The leveling data has been loaded into the NGS database.

Found Henry Washington Post

Recently on map of the week you asked if anyone knew of an existing Henry Washington post. We have had string of projects lately bordering along lines run by Henry Washington, and have had great success in retracing his positions along his lines. The past few weeks we have been working on a project along the Polk/Hillsborough County line and found the remains of one of his post so I though I would share some photos with you since you asked. We originally looked for the witness trees finding the two small tree remains in the photos. These two trees were kind of wimpy looking and the other two tree positions fell in the pavement so we were unable to investigate the other two positions. After rechecking Henry's notes these trees were noted as 8' pines (glad he recorded that information) at the time he surveyed this line in 1842. So we decided to see if we could find any post evidence to confirm our location. The area we were working in was adjacent to an old road grade that had swales cut down what appeared to be several feet from the apparent natural ground, so we were not very hopeful. But to our surprise we found the bottom portion of the light wood post remains just below the surface. Unfortunately we only found the bottom portion of the post since the area had been previously cut down for the swale.

It was raining off and on most of the day so that's why we were dressed like the man from snowy river- we don't typically dress in period clothing during our retracement work only when it is raining, although maybe we should if it helps.

Surveying Antiques

The Professional Status of Land Surveyors

The Professional Status of Land Surveyors by Curtis Brown in 1961, does it apply today?


Facts you should know about having your land surveyed

San Diego Grand Jury Issues Report on City Survey Practices

Helping Surveyors Remember the Past

The Parcel Map with No Monuments

Theodolte iPhone App

Sand Diego Grand Jury Issues Report on City Survey Practices

Validated Corner Record

They are “Validated Corner Record” .
It gives original source, chaining Index factors,
True Bearings and relation to other corners.
A well-documented record.



Surveying - A Life Without Limits

Very interesting video on the Surveying Profession thought it worth sharing.

This maybe be from Australia, but I think they got the concepts and their message is right on the mark. The title is perfect and says a lot about what our profession should be projecting to the public at large and what the possibilities are.

CCR - SE S35 T22S R32E

I believe this is the first actual monument I’ve seen that is still in existence.


Error, Accuracy, and Precision

Sea, Shore, and More

Integration of Bathometric and Topographic LiDAR

Bathometry LiDAR (Wiggins CHART)

Green LiDAR

Trails of the Mesoamericans in Lakkin Itza (Florida)

The “Weight” of Monument Placement

ExpressMap—The End of Surveying?

AutoCAD Computer Virus May Impact Your Firm's Ability to Exchange Digital Data

1934 Drainage Districts

The Impact of Topographic Mapping of Developments in Land and Air Survey

Surveying Antiques Photo Gallery

Corpscon for Windows 7

Windows 7:
Windows 7 users have had success by:
- Right click on the Corpscon.exe file
- Click on "Troubleshoot Compatibility"
- Click on "Try Recommended Settings"
- Click in "Start the Program"
Installation Procedures


Corpscon6_update File - This file should be downloaded only if you have a downloaded Corpscon prior to April 26, 2005. If the install files were downloaded after April 26, 2005, then they already include the corrected files. To install this update, extract these files to the directory in which Corpscon 6.0 was installed. If the default installation was used, this directory is 'C:\Program Files\Corpscon6\'. If prompted, overwrite the existing files in the directory. You cannot run Corpscon with this zip file alone. You must have already downloaded one of the distributions listed below.

Issues Resolved:
4/26/05 - Error in resolving certain USNG zones. Unit conversion problem when using International Feet in Vertical conversions.

There are five Corpscon setup (install) files:
1. corpscon_complete.exe (104 MB, 140 MB installed) - installs all the Geoid and Vertcon data files, including Alaska (don’t recommend this without high speed connection and still might take a while)
2. corpscon_conus_geoxx.exe (84 MB, 115 MB installed) - installs all the Geoid and Vertcon files for conversions within CONUS
3. corpscon_conus_geo03.exe (42 MB, 60 MB installed) - installs only the Geoid03 and Vertcon files for conversions within CONUS
4. corpscon_base_alaska.exe (7 MB, 20 MB installed) - installs only the files for horizontal conversions (no Geoid or Vertcon data files), including Alaska
5. corpscon_base_conus.exe ( 6 MB, 19 MB installed) - installs only the files for horizontal conversions (no Geoid or Vertcon data files) within CONUS only.

To install Corpscon, run corpscon_*.exe (* = one of the options listed above) from CD or from the directory on the local hard disk where the program was downloaded. Follow the prompts in the setup program to complete installation. Geoid, Vertcon, and other data files may be downloaded separately and copied to the appropriate directory by following the program directory structure listed below if downloading an install file other than the complete (first option above).

US and Mexican Boundary Survey

The 1910 Manual of Underground Surveying

Underground Mine Surveying

Underground Surveying

NGS Survey Data Explorer


British Army WW1 Trench Maps

Surveying Evidence and Procedures

At the end of this presentation Mr. Lucas give exerts from the following case:

District Court of the Virgin Islands,
Division of St. Thomas and St. John
Newfound Management Corporation v Irvin A. Sewer 885F. Supp. 727; 1995

The Surveyor’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Description of the Week

Read Parcel II of the attached description and determine which set of bearings to follow. Deed.pdf



Order vs Chaos

Entropy (order and disorder)

Ground Penetrating Radar

NGS - CORS Network Update

Geodesy, Datums, Map Projections, and Coordinate Systems

The National Geodetic Survey Improves the National Spatial Reference System

The NGS Improves the National Spatial Reference System with Simultaneous Major Product Releases

The Skinny Triangle

Rights of Way

Easements including Dominant vs. Servient status

Windows 7 ftp site fix

1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button, right click on Computer and choose open.

2. Right-click anywhere in the folder, and then click Add a Network Location.

3. In the wizard, click next then select Choose a custom network location, and then click Next.

4. Enter the name of the FTP site, with the full FTP:// in front of it, and then click Next.

5. To use a name and password, clear the Log on anonymously check box. Type a user name, and then click Next.

6. To have the FTP site open when you're done setting up the shortcut, just click Next. If you do not want the FTP site to open after you're done setting up the shortcut, clear the Open this network location when I click Finish check box. Click Finish.

7. A shortcut to the FTP site appears in the Computer folder. You can drag that shortcut to your desktop so that it's easy to find later.

Drone Surveying


When is a canal or Lake a monument?

“This dispute stems from the language used in the deed.”


How did the Southern States get the name 'Dixie'?

Finding the courage to say "NO"

Best practices for a very large survey

Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers

USGS Maps, Imagery, and Publications

History of the Spanish Land Grants

Florida Map Library of Congress

Seminole County Survey Department

Location Guide to the GLO Survey Plats

Florida Online Mapping and Image Data

Meandering: A View of Instructions

“History Corner: Meandering: A View of Instructions”
by Joe Knetsch, Ph.D.

Ordinary High Water Line

Where did the wording of the definition of “Ordinary High Water Line” come from?

It came from two Federal Cases:
Howard v. Ingersoll, 54 US 381 (1851)
The Borough of Ford City v U.S. 345F .2d. 645 (1965)

Why some old school Methods Die Hard

Why a Surveyor

Surveyor General Map 1859

Little TownMart

History of Early Settlements

National Museum of Surveying

Thomas Jefferson, Land Surveyor

What is the PLSS?

Survey Says?

Application for Identifying Trees

Restoration of Lost or Obliterated Corners

Restoration of Lost or Obliterated Corners & Subdivision of Sections a guide for Surveyors.

Survey Monuments and The Law

by Chuck Karayan, L.S.

Survey Monument Conservation

an informational brochure of California Land Surveyors Association.

Survey for Quake Effects

Washington Monument Surveyed for Quake Effects.
How do you do that?

What is RTN?

Young surveyors learn to measure up...

Past is Prologue: Young surveyors learn to measure up on 1907–08 Patuxent cruise

Who named Devil’s Tower

Who named Devil’s Tower? A surveyor of course.

Great Jacksonville Fire of 1901

Hurricane Photos

Florida Flights of Fancy

Florida Cattle Ranching

60" Cypress Tree

Note the tie to a 60” cypress tree


Volume 271 Page 660-697

Read the note on Page 684

G.L.O. accepts Collier monuments

Florida Memories

State Archives of Florida

T29 R30 BLM vs State

Compare the State copy of these plats with the BLM copy



Brokering Of Survey Services

NGS Geoid 12A

What's a Datum?

Sight Lines: 6 Strategies of Successful Surveying Firms

Surveyors Roundtable: Continuing Education

Township Maps - Palm Beach - kmz

metadata unknown


Thanks to Gary Rager

Ultimate Dog Tease

What’s in an exception?

Missouri Land Survey Program

FEMA Community Status Book Report for Florida

FEMA Map Service Center

FEMA Google Earth
Click on FEMA NFHL v2.4 kmz

The Photogrammetry and Mapping Sciences Exam

Smith Re-Elected to Colonial States Board

Why the Four Corners Monument is in Exactly the Right Place

A Map of Lewis and Clark's Track

200th Anniversary of the GLO

South Carolina v North Carolina

SC/NC State line monument

Rob Stevens came across this stone monument for the corner of the State line for North & South Carolina dated 1818 ( now that's a real monument). Located just south of Charlotte NC


Top 10 Reasons to Have Your Property Surveyed


Managing Errors & Metadata in GPS Surveying

Fort Montgomery

Traversing the Law: Common mistakes of the surveyor

Controlling Intermediate Monuments

The Senator

Art of Surveying

Determining Property Corner History

How wide is the right of way on a county road?

Public Land Survey Office

Beginning Point of the U.S. Public Land Survey

History of Surveying in the United States

Daniel Boone Land Surveyor

Key Tree-Cactus

Invasive Species in the Everglades

Pahayokee Overlook

Spanish Land Grants

Atlantic Beach - Plats and Patents

Federal Township Survey Plats & Land Patents

San Bernardino Principal Meridian

Rocky Mountain High

Finding the Western end of the 6th PM Base Line

Question of the Week

When establishing the boundary lines along a standard parallel, what holds, the section corner monuments or the parallel monuments?

How many parallels are there in Florida?

History of the Railroad

Krome’s Survey of the Railroad mentioned on page 9, I wonder if this is where Krome Avenue came from?


System of Government Surveys

History of Stock Island

Computing State Plane Coordinates

NGS Geodetic Toolkit, Part 7: Computing State Plane Coordinates

Everglades of Florida

Old Florida Maps

1850 - 1874 Maps

Old King's Road

Lighthouses: Eastern Florida and the Keys

Historical Florida

U.S. Coast Survey Map, 1864

Historical Map & Chart Collection

First Flight - PID DK3518

FIRST FLIGHT is a "D" stability mark and might be difficult to determine the leveled high point.
Several other marks in the area are more appropriate for vertical control; Q 168 is a first order leveled benchmark. WILBER is a 2nd order mark located near the entrance to the park.

Photo: photo.JPG

Downtown Tallahassee Historic Trail

Guide Meridian and Base Parallel Park

Orange County

This chronicles life in early Orange County.
This book talks a little bit about J.O. Fries.


Foreign Judgment Book

Ever think of looking in the Federal Court Seat of Ft. Pierce for an Okeechobee County document?

Foreign Judgement Book 1 page 148.pdf

Township 37 Range 29, locate the W 1/4

For the attached plat, located the W1/4 corner of Section 14 in the field notes.

Pages from T37R29 BLM.pdf

Vol264 p280.pdf

What is a fictitious meander line?

NC/SC Border Dispute

The Mason-Dixon Line

Cadastral and Parcel Glossary

Echo Sounding - Early Sound Methods

Right-of-Entry Door Hanger Sample

This sample is for the State of Indiana.


T40 R26 BLM

Lots of interesting things in this plat, Note Government Lots along the entire exterior of this plat, the east line of section 15


A Pine Tree Marked as Corner

A Pine tree marked as corner (Vol 211 page 130) and later fallen and decayed (Vol 218 page 83).

Vol 211 page 130.pdf

Vol 218 page 83.pdf

What is an Alligator Runway?

Death Valley’s Last Wagon

John Brink, an Old Government Surveyor

Oregon Land Survey, 1851-1855

The Survey Cafe History

No Man's Land

William Austin Burt Solar Compass

Alabama State Surveying Standards & Society

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Alaska State Surveying Standards and Society

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Arizona State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Arkansas State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

California State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Colorado State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Connecticut State Surveying Standards and Society

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Delaware State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Florida State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Georgia State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Hawaii State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Idaho State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Illinois States Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Indiana State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Iowa State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Kansas State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Kentucky State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Louisiana State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Maine State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Maryland State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Massachusetts State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Michigan State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Mississippi State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Missouri State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Montana State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Nebraska State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Nevada State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

New Hampshire State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

New Jersey State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

New York State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

North Dakota State Surveying Standards and Society

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Ohio State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Oklahoma State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Oregon State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Pennsylvania State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

South Carolina State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

South Dakota State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Tennessee State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Texas State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Utah State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Vermont State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Virginia State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Washington State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Washington DC Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Wisconsin State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

West Virginia State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.

Wyoming State Surveying Standards

** The attached files are not official. Refer to the state organization for official information.


Horeseflies, Alligators, and Bad Water

F.C. Elliot - Professional Record

DOI’s GeoCommunicator

Shovels and Pumb Bobs

Does any one used these anymore?

Shovels And Plumb Bobs.htm

Trespass Rights of the Surveyor

Pinus palustris - Longleaf Pine

Quercus nigra - Water Oaks

Nyssa sylvatica - Tupelo Gum

MAUD - 1937

Location of Fort Boise

Idaho State Historical Society reference series
Location of Fort Boise

Traversing the Law: The Alabama rule


Auburn Land Surveying

Records of the Bureau of Land Management

Rules of the Game: Establishing Property Lines

NOAA Corbin Training Center

NOAA's Corbin Training Center offers classes online and at the training center on OPUS Projects. manager training for Geodetic Digital Leveling, and many more.

Past Classes and their presentations

and Upcoming Classes

Surveyors, Cartographers, Photogrammetrists, and Surveying and Mapping Technicians

Measuring the World Around Us

Bachelor Education in Land Surveying and Mapping in Puerto Rico

Surveying in Texas

Their standard unit of measurement is the vara (33 1/3”). They also use a League, a Labor, a Sitio in their descriptions. What is most interesting is that land was formed under Spanish Law(1720-1821), then Mexican law(1821-1836), then Texas as a Sovereign Nation(1836-1845), then as part of the US. With each change they respected the previous laws so when you look at a deed, you have to see what year it was granted.

-Derek Zeman

Withalacoochee State Forest

These areas have some evidence of cypress logging but I beleive many of the trees are very old like the attached live oak pic taken last year.

-Joe Stokes

Witness Trees

What Is A Land Surveyor?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Land Surveying 101

The Public Trust

Florida’s State Lands Authorization

Historic Protection for Florida’s Navigable Rivers and Lakes

Broward County Plats

Most of our records can be accessed online at: Public Records Search and Choose Public Search

or the direct link is:

Attached (Plat-transcript-key.pdf) is a key to transcript recording book and page for older plats that were once part of Palm Beach County and Dade County but are now part of Broward. You have to use the transcript numbers to get them online as they are not listed using their original recording info. (example: Florida Fruit Lands Company Subdivision No.2 PB 1, PG 102 PBCR would be listed under “Palm Beach Plats” PB 1, PG 1 ; PB 1, PG 2; PB 1, PG 3 ; PB 1, PG 4).

Thanks to Eric Augusto, PSM

Relative Accuracy

Do you understand the difference between relative accuracy and positional accuracy?

This is more important than you think.

Cadastral Survey Accuracy Standards.pdf

Surveyor's Guidebook on Relative Accuracy

Survey Foot versus International Foot: What’s the difference?

NAD83: What is it?

Alexander Ross Clarke

Global Positioning System

USGS Global Positioning System

GPS (and GLONASS) Satellite Tracking

Machine Control

NAD 83 National Readjustment Final Report

Meades Ranch

The Problem with NAD 27

The Erie Canal Maps

Then and Now!

then.pdf and now.pdf

The now is based on a survey recorded in US PB 3 pages 1-84 Collier County Florida Public Records.

Fundamentals of NSRS

What is a Benchmark?

Surveying In Christmas Island

Surveying for topographic mapping by the Army

Papers of the War Department

The Walton War and Ellicott’s Rock

Surveying for Robert E. Lee

Where Surveyors fought like Soldiers

Plat Book 8 Page 20

December 7th, 1941

Fantasy Island

Anderson v. Benedict

Caxambas Pass

From the Collier County Museum ( One of the oldest place names on the Gulf coast, it first appeared on a 1771 chart of Florida as Caxymbas Espanolas. Derived from the Arawak Indian word casimba or cacimba, meaning a hole dug along the shore to find drinking water.

Other interesting facts about Caxambas:
It is the highest point in Southwest Florida at 52 feet
Here are the ruins of the Pineapple Plantation house built in 1877

Photo Gallery of the History of Marco Island

The History of Marco Island

Historical Markers of Marco Island

Florida Emergency Contact Information

What is the Value of an Existing Monument

The Theory and Practice of Surveying by John Butler Johnson 1904

Based on a recent discussion with a colleague concerning straightening leaning monuments, I came across this portion of Mr. Johnson’s book (Section 302, page 429 ) it reads

302. The Value of an Existing Monument is based (1) on the fact that it corresponds in character and position to a monument described on the recorded plat;
(2) on the custom to place monuments upon the completion of a survey, and on the supposition that this monument in question was set in pursuance of such custom, although no monuments are noted on the plat;
(3) on recognition by surveyors and owners of land affected by it;
(4) on the knowledge that it was placed by a competent surveyor at a time when data were accessible which are not now in existence. The value of the evidence which establishes or tends to establish the reliability of the monument is primarily a question for the judgment of the surveyor. His decision must be reviewed and defended before courts and juries when there is a difference of opinion.

The monument is valueless, or less valuable in all degrees, when there is evidence that it has been disturbed. It sometimes happens that there is no better way to establish a corner than to straighten up a stone which is leaning, but has not been thrown entirely out of the ground. Inquiry often brings out the fact that a stone, after being completely out of the ground, has been reset either by agreement of owners adjacent, or by the reckless individual who did the mischief, and is still pointed out as the stone the surveyor set. As a recognized corner such a stone has some value, i.e., it is to be supposed that it is somewhere in the right neighborhood; but if its position can be verified from other points which have not been disturbed the work should be retraced. If the original survey was made in a careless way or the corner-stones were badly set, they may help a careful man to come to an average line which shall correspond with the recorded plat. Monuments are sometimes moved or destroyed maliciously.

Wisconsin CCR

Palm Beach County Plats (Recorded & Unrecorded)

Henry David Thoreau Survey


Thanks to Clyde Mason & Phillip Tabaka with Wantman Group, Inc.

Interesting CCR's

Female Burmese Python

Female Burmese python
Total length 15.65'
Girth with prey 44.1"
Snake mass with prey 215.4 pounds
Snake mass without prey 139.1 pounds
Prey (adult female deer) mass 76.3 pounds
Deer skull and lower jaw retained for aging.
Front legs saved to examine bone marrow as indicator of health.


R/W Monuments or Bollards?

I came across this today it is a row of seven SRD R/W monuments some is using as a row of bollards in Polk County.


-Robert Stevens

First Florida Inhabitants

The Judicial Functions of a Surveyor

Which on is it “lighterwood” or “light wood”?

Historic battlefields in Florida

Types of Disney Survey Markers

PK Nail

Fort Jefferson

Caching for Benchmarks

Lewis & Clark

Jefferson Pier

NGS History

Steamboats on the Kissimmee

Meander lakes in Florida

Cattle Dipping vats in Florida

Florida Cracker

History of Key West

State of Florida Boundary

Court Case of the Week

Florida’s First Oil Well

Florida Forts

Fort Keais

Look in Section 6 of Township 48 South, Range 29 East on the Collier company survey map for Fort Keais (T48R29-CollierCmp-USPB2p19-CoCoPR-BS-1943.pdf)

Florida's Vanishing Trail

Prisms of Perception

Grand Canyon - North Rim

Have you seen this before?

On Sheet 1 there is a note concerning the setting of above ground and below ground monumentation, a second base line and setting “ B.S.”?


Nation’s smallest post office

Tamiami Trail - Then and Now

NGS Control Marks within DeLorme

Mc Dill Air Force base

Have you been to McDill Air Force Base in Tampa? If so you’ve traveled Dale Mabry drive. I was born at Mc Dill Air Force base in Tampa and lived off Dale Mabry Drive. I thought that Dale Mabry Air field was the original name for Mc Dill, but it wasn’t it what’s now the Tallahassee airport.

Tampa’s first air port was Drew Field

Former Airfield in Florida

CoP Bulletin U-Smart

The CoP Bulletin U-Smart gives you the COE nationwide.


Jacksonville COE - Control Database

The Jacksonville Corps - attachment gives you the alternative section corner database, vertical and horizontal points from Jacksonville COE.


Corpscon Update Instructions

The attached Corpscon Instructions and vertcone.05 files will allow you to download the latest version of Corpscon (6.0.1) and update the program to include the CERP monumentation.

The CERP geodetic survey project added 1000 miles of First Order Class II vertical and a 40 Km horizontal grid , from State Road 70, South to Tamiami Trail and from Coast to Coast.


Collier County Surveys

American Surveyor - How precise is OPUS?

Fort Jupiter

NGS Point at Statue of Liberty

After all of the 9/11 anniversary shows on TV tonight, I jumped on Google Earth to check out NYC. I then ended up remembering to look up a survey disk I found on the Statue of Liberty in January, so went to NGS’ website and did a coordinate search on Liberty Island but didn’t find my disk described. I did find the attached datasheet (PIDKV4410.pdf) and loved the 1980 Recovery Note by NOS, check it out…

My blurry pic (DSCN2500.JPG) of the disk I was looking for is also attached. It was stamped “United States Harbor Line Reference Mark” and was on the upper portion of the pedestal (as high as you can go without going to the torch, about 8-10 stories high), Southernmost corner I believe.

-chris mclaughlin

T40 R43 BLM

No man is an island

No man is an island, entire of itself every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were,
as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls
it tolls for thee.

- John Donne (1572-1631)

Rules of the Game: The Four-Year Degree Standard for Surveying’s Recognition as a Profession

US Army Corps of Engineers Team New Orleans

Washington State Natural Resources

National Atlas - PLSS

BLM Geocommunicator

Earth Point - Township and Range

Evolution of Florida Counties

A True living Section Corner, is where it falls

A True living Section corner, is where it falls.
How would this stand up to the standards of today?


Fort Taylor

Camp Blanding

North Key Largo Missle Site

Fort Pickens

Fort Brooke

Murphy's Law

History of NAS Fort Lauderdale

An Introduction To Florida Scrub

Red Wolf Re-establishment Program

Bird's eye view of Florida

Boney Marsh

Abandoned Air Fields in Florida

Central Florida Memory

-Submitted by Michael O'Brien

How many times have you heard this?

How many times have you heard this?
“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”

Since survey crews are our eyes and ears in the field you are limited to what they provide. Teach them what to look for and in the long run it will make your work easier, help your reputations and save you embarrassment. There is nothing worse, for a surveyor, to find out that he/she used the wrong point.

Tell them to search the area and not accept the first monument they find (even if it is biggest and sticking up the highest).

If you don’t take the time to teach them, where do you think they will learn it, especially the way you want it.

To go along with this, they are limited to what you provide them as well. Don’t forget to do your homework before you send them out.

In my opinion this is one of the main reasons we still mentor.

Research In Colonial & United States Wars

St. Augustine Historic Maps

The National Map

Lidar and Photogrammetry Development

US CGS Field Engineers Bulletin Number 13

Bilby Towers

Florida Master Site File

Principal Meridian Project

A brief history of the Mason-Dixon survey line

Surveyor's Fees

Signals: Flags, Banners, Cones, and Lights Help Direct Surveys

Quote of the Week

Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is a force, like fire: a dangerous servant and a terrible master. by George Washington

John Deere fights broadband that disrupts GPS

Electronic field book for cadastral retracement surveys

Sanibel Lighthouse Patent Transfer April 24, 2010

How to search the BLM Sites

GLO Automated Patents and Surveys

DOT Survey Safety Handbook

Polk County Historical Quarterly on Fort Meade

1973 Manual

Ground to Grid

The Geodetic Monument, 1875-1903

Georgia Land Surveying History and Law

Surveying Chokoloskee's Wilderness World

Surveying in West Florida

CCR # 00945721

Surveyors Park - Surveyors Hut Plaque

The Everglades in the Time of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

1919 Manual of Instruction

Section 29, Twp 39 South, Rge 38 East

Have you seen these stampings on a monument ?

Do you think coordinates and elevations should be stamped on a monument?


Historical Development of SW Florida Waterways

Indian Burial Grounds

Boynton's Indian Mounds

Axle found in 1956

The field notes show finding an axle at the corner in 1956, Mr. Chip Gardner found the axle earlier this year.

Hendry County Highway Map

Florida East Coast Canal History Footnotes

FDOT Right of Way Maps

Gomez Grant Documents

Martin County Plats

The Public Trust Doctrine And Florida's Navigable Lakes And Rivers

From the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico

Half Mile Post

Half Corner - Thigpenn

A half corner is better than none or what a surveyor will do for a quarter.


Everglades Drainage District

Can the Clerk of the Court refuse to record a plat?

A question posed to Florida's Attorney General. August 8, 1991.

Vertical Datum's

The USACE has released a manual titled: "Standards and Procedures for Referencing Project Elevation Grades to Nationwide Vertical Datums", (EM 1110-2-6056).

This document, largely the result of the misconceptions of vertical datum’s revealed by levee failures in New Orleans due to Hurricane Katrina, addresses vertical datum use
not only for coastal projects, by also inland navigation and flood control. The entire document can be found at:

Scroll down the list until you find "EM 1110-2-6056".

Scenes in a Surveyor's Life - 1859

Using old photos for retracement

Changes in ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey Standards

Steamboat Communications - the first cross Florida water connection

Preserving Their Interests: The Seminole and Miccosukee Indians

Have you ever hear of this?

Read the attached General Land Office field notes ”Volume 271 pages 684-694”, Lester S. Mann Public Land Surveyor

Vol271 P684-694.pdf

Sets Collier County monuments for the originals.

(These Collier County marks sound more like Collier Company monuments what do you think?).

What is a “Gallbery bush”?

I saw this in the GLO notes, Vol 271 Page 684


Collier County - Land Survey Data

Survey and Letter of 1901

Sustainability and the Move Towards Everglades Restoration

Ecosystem Restoration Becomes National Policy

Florida East Coast Canal

Highlands County Boundary Agreement

Executive Order 3105

The Fund Concept - April 2011

Wiki - Surveying

About Monuments

Lincoln as a Surveyor

The “Ultimate Hammer”: Dexter Lehtinen’s Lawsuit

History of South Florida Corps of Engineers Chapter 12, (see attachment “river int chap 12.pdf”)


Know your Monument!

If you found this monument, who set it?

What is the history in a monument and why is it important to know who set it?


Using Google Earth

Title Industry Changes Affect Surveying

Development, Water supply and the East Eveglades

Half Mile Post

Envelopes of Protection

History of South Florida Corps of Engineers Chapter 10, (see river_int_chap_10.pdf)
Envelopes of Protection “ Land Acquisition Programs in Florida, 1980-1990”

Do you see anything unusual about the common township line?

Review the attached plats of T36 R37 and T37 R37. Do you see anything unusual about the common township line?” T36R37-BLM.pdf T37R37-State.pdf

Now look at the plat of T36 R36. Is your answer still the same? T36R36-BLM.pdf

What is your conclusion?

DOT Right of Way Maps

Distance between Section Corner and Quarter Corner?

What’s the shortest or longest distance you’ve seen between a section corner and a quarter corner?

The shortest might be from CCR0069018 to CCR0069019.

Live Oak Island Survey by W.H. Macy 1897

Gainesville Patent No 137

Science in a Race with Politics and Nature

Dredging history of SW Florida Inland Waterways

Steamboat Communications

That Damn Sewer Ditch: Kissimmee River Restoration Efforts

Bearing Tree

Letters of Survey General

Reagan’s New Federalism and Governor Bob Graham in the 1980s

Restoration Survey of a portion of the 3rd and 4th Standard Parallel

Below Grade - Safe Surveying Tips

1. Never use the 200-foot steel tape as a bungee chord.
2. Inexperience rodmen/instrumentmen should not be furnished with plumb bob without specific instructions for their use.
3. At all costs, do not admit to the party chief that you left the chain or anything back at the last job site.
4. Always dismantle the level rod before putting it back in the truck.
5. Never actually perform topographic surveys. Subcontract them out to your competitors.
6. Never trust the instrument man when he promises not to reinstall the manhole cover before you've finished taking the pipe size measurements.
7. Never trust the party chief when he says, "I'll be back to pick you up later."
8. Take your vacation when rumors begin to circulate around the office that a major contract will soon be signed to perform intensive percolation tests at a large industrial site.
9. Be patient with the rodman/instrumentman.
10. Set a fair amount of bogus grade stakes and lathe when performing construction staking.

The Liquid Heart of Florida

The Liquid Heard of Florida: Lake Okeechobee and the Kissimmee River in the 1970’s


Some of the Drainage District in S. Florida

UF Class of 1981

Who are they and where are they today?


The Judicial Functions of Surveyors

When would you “Not” hold the original proven GLO corner?

When would you “Not” hold the original proven GLO corner?

Flexing the Environmental Muscle

History of South Florida Corps of Engineers Chapter 5, (see attachment “river int chap o05.pdf”)
“Flexing the Environmental Muscle: The Cross Florida Barge Canal, the Everglades Jetport, and Big Cypress Swamp”)


Map Showing the Lands of Geo. W. Hopkins

The Heirs of Joseph Dalespine

Conflicting Priorities

History of South Florida Corps of Engineers Chapter 4, (see attachment “river int chap o04.pdf”)
“Conflicting Priorities:”Everglades National Park and Water Supply in the 1960s)


Federal Intervention

History of South Florida Corps of Engineers Chapter 2, Federal Intervention: The Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Project, 1948


Township 26 Range 34 Sections 1-36

Living History Markers

Living History Markers from Mr. Steve Sharpe PLS

On the subject of living history markers…Living-section-corner.pdf

This cypress section corner was “recovered” in 2007. It is in Yellow River swamp south of the river on Eglin Air Force Base.
It was found during the survey of a tract north of the river that is now part of Blackwater River State Forest.

I’ve seen a few living witness trees over the years, but this is the only living tree I know of in Florida that is the actual original corner monument.
It was an interesting project and one I was glad to be able to do in the winter when the reptiles and the bugs were mostly sleeping. The unfortunate part was that it was also hunting season and there were four hunting leases in the project area – hence the crew attire in the photo.

We set up a field office in just east of Milton (f/k/a Briarpatch).

Here are the corner details. It seems kind of silly to reference a 72” Cypress to a 4” Bay – but specs. are specs.

Side note from Mr. Mike Joiner,
I was born and raised in Baker, Florida, about 20 miles north of here and hunted all over the Eglin Reservation and fished all through the Yellow river from Crestview south to Eglin during the 50’s and 60’s. My father was born in a little frame house on Yellow River in 1927 where the base now is. He will enjoy this picture.

Do you know of any other living monuments in Florida?

Balancing Demands

History of South Florida Corps of Engineers Chapter 3, Balancing Demands: Implementing the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project 1949-1960

This chapter is an important part of south Florida history, understanding the history helps you understand the present.


Legal significance of the mean high water line

Legal significance of the mean high water line

Florida Statue mhwstatutes.pdf see attached document

Florida Geomatics “Legal significance of the mean high water line” line by Douglas A. Thompson, PLS

NOAA Shoreline Website:


Quote of the week

“ If you did what you thought was right at the time, how can you fault yourself now?”

SWFWMD Survey Control Website

Traversing the law: Finding common ground

Windows Phone 7 App Puts the Power of Mapping in Users’ Hands

Death of a South Florida Surveying Icon

Surveyors Historical Society

Part Time Land Surveying Private Practice

Florida Power Corporation

Historic Survey Field Notes - Florida 1825

Retracing the Original Government Surveys

GLO Circular 1831

CTA Project 80-0174

Engineers' Conversion Table

1. Ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter = Eskimo Pi
2. 2000 pounds of Chinese soup = Won ton
3. 1 millionth of a mouthwash = 1 microscope
4. Time between slipping on a peel and smacking the pavement = 1 bananosecond
5. Weight an evangelist carries with God = 1 billigram
6. Time it takes to sail 220 yards at 1 nautical mile per hour = Knotfurlong
7. 16.5 feet in the Twilight Zone = 1 Rod Serling
8. Half of a large intestine = 1 semicolon
9. 1,000,000 aches = 1 megahurtz
10. Basic unit of laryngitis = 1 hoarsepower
11. Shortest distance between two jokes = A straight line
12. 453.6 graham crackers = 1 pound cake
13. 1 million-million microphones = 1 megaphone
14. 2 million bicycles = 2 megacycles
15. 365.25 days = 1 unicycle
16. 2000 mockingbirds = 2 kilomockingbirds
17. 52 cards = 1 decacards
18. 1 kilogram of falling figs = 1 FigNewton
19. 1000 milliliters of wet socks = 1 literhosen
20. 1 millionth of a fish = 1 microfiche
21. 1 trillion pins = 1 terrapin
22. 10 rations = 1 decoration
23. 100 rations = 1 C-ration
24. 2 monograms = 1 diagram
25. 4 nickels = 2 paradigms
26. 2.4 statute miles of intravenous surgical tubing at Yale University Hospital = 1 IV League
27. 100 Senators = Not 1 decision

Lake Hart

Magic Monuments

Control Point Mack in Palm Beach County

What are the basic steps to prepare a boundary survey?

What are the basic steps to prepare a boundary survey.docx

Thanks to Mike Joiner PSM, Mr. Steve Sharpe PSM and Mr. Chris McLaughlin PSM for their contributions on the basic steps document. I welcome any and all additions to the document. Remember it is just a tool to help you in your work.

Paraprosdokian Sentences

A "paraprosdokian" is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part. It is frequently used for humorous or dramatic effect.

• Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
• I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.
• The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.
• Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
• If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.
• We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public.
• War does not determine who is right -- only who is left.
• Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
• The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
• Evening news is where they begin with "Good evening," and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
• To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
• A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. My desk is a work station.
• How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
• Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.
• I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted pay checks.
• A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
• Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, notify:" I write: "A doctor."
• I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
• Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
• Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America?
• Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
• A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
• You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
• The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas.
• Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
• A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip.
• Hospitality: making your guests feel like they're at home, even if you wish they were.
• Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.
• I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot.
• Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.
• There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
• I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure.
• When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.
• You're never too old to learn something stupid.
• Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
• A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.
• If you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, why do some people have more than one child?
• Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

Thanks to Steve Sharpe, Cooner & Associates, Inc.

ACSM Bulletin

United States Coast History

Township 28 Range 29

Compare the west line of Section 31, Township 28 South, Range 29 East (T28R29-BLM.pdf) with the East line of Section 36, Township 28 South, Range 28 East (T28R28-BLM.pdf).

Then compare the field notes for the exterior lines of both townships (same surveyor, Vol 110 p28-34.pdf) with the note for the North line of Section 31 Township 28 South, Range. 29 East at the bottom of page 15 of the original notes in (Vol 201 p164.pdf).

Which plat is correct or are there two corners?

Field Notes:

Aerial Photography: Florida Home

The Quintessential Surveyor

Boundaries & Landmarks by A.C. Mulford


In my opinion, one of the most important parts of a Land Surveyors career is mentoring. The old tradition of Master/Apprentice has somewhat disappeared with the “Age of information”. Somehow we believe that the apprentice will receive all they need for the colleges, computers and the internet. Colleges provide a broad base of knowledge that you cannot get from a single master, computers are great at crunching the numbers and making maps and the internet serves as a great informational resources, but that one on one training is priceless. On-the job training is the real deal. No tests just do it.

The old hard line of master/apprentice has served the profession well. Think about your mentor. What did he/she instill in you that you still use today? Nothing impressed me more than Mr. Billy Jenkins yelling at me “Don’t forget to turn that vertical angle boy… and plane geometry boy … plane geometry ” just seems to stick (in South Florida who turns vertical angles).

For me there is a personal satisfaction when I pass on the knowledge of the profession. It also helps for your exit strategy.


Florida Aerial Photography Archive Collection

USGS Quads

Quad Index.pdf

Comming Soon... Geo referenced 7.5 minute quads in the East Zone of Florida.



Do you know why the monument is stamped “BBS”?
Do you know what the “TT” stands for?

Okeechobee No 1

HUMP 003 - Monument

Mr. Strickland found this monument about a month ago even though the last entrance in 1999 says mark not found.


SR 700 Right of Way Map

North Loop Telemetry Site


survey completed by Mr. Ed Scott, PSM

Monument - Seaboard RP1 1935


from Mr. Ned Strickland of the SFWMD

Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers

What is a 1/256 corner?


What is a 1/256 corner?
What are AP ? Have you ever seen them used in this way?
What is the standard material for a corner set?
Do you believe the corner note for Sections 8,9,16 and 17?

I wonder if anyone has looked for these corners?

Mitigation Site - State Road 700

Tamiami Trail Poem by George Merrick

Historic Cemetery Survey

Affidavit Example

Notice on the upper left hand corner of the first page of the plat this information is noted by the clerk.

plat - 00060124.pdf
affidavit - ORB-630-PG-1420.pdf

Thanks to Orvell Howard with Survey1, LLC

Township 25 Range 31, 33, 34, and 35

California - Surveyors and GIS

The "Antiquated" County Surveyor?


POB - July 2010

Township 27 S Range 34 East

Township 31 Range 31

History of Old Fort Drum

Articulating a Survey by Joel Leininger, LS

T37 R35 S19

Colonial Instruments - Links

Professional Surveyor Magazine

Half Mile Post

Draining the Swamp - Beginning of Flood Control in South Florida

Brief Florida Real Estate History

Disston Companies Land Map

1913 Map of Florida

Corpscon Help

Copy these files to: C:\Program Files\Corpscon6\Vertcon

Now for me, this is where it gets interesting, because even though you have
selected the customized grid file, it will not use this customized file in
the calculations, even though it say its using it in the header of the output

Here's where I exit the program and then start it up again...try it.

One way to insure that the correct model is being used, would be to visit the
NGS website (they only run the old model), and run a point through their
online version of the VertCon program thereby getting a second opinion: Click "Height Conversion"
on the left side. If you run a coordinate here, say 27 00 00.00 and 081 12
00.00, you will get a datum difference of -0.353 meters (-1.158 ft). Then
run this same position through CorpsCon, and see if you get this number or a
different conversion. I know this is not to most comforting nor scientific
system, but the other option is to wait until the next version of Corpscon is
released...December 21, 2012.

If you want to never have to think about this again, you could go to
C:\Program Files\Corpscon6\Vertcon on your hard drive, and rename the file
vertcone.94 to vertcone.94.old, and then rename vertcone.05 to
vertcone.94...that way the software will have no choice but to use the new
model file. I like to have both though, you you'll probably want to keep
that option.

Aside for a few select locations, I never really took a close look at the
difference between the two VertCon models....

I made a grid based roughly on the center of each of the 7.5min USGS Quad
maps for the eastern part of Florida. I then ran two sessions of CorpsCon,
first using the old, original 1994 Vertcon, then the 2005 CERP Geodetic
Control Network supported model. Each time, I used as an NGVD29 elevation of
0.00', and calculated the NAVD88 conversion. I then took the difference
between these two iterations and generated the surface model shown in the
attached files.

The file "Vertcon-Comparison.pdf" shows the difference between the results
that would be reached by using each of the two vertcon models. The range is
+0.15' west of Lake Okeechobee to -0.06' in Palm Beach county. Again, this
is the difference between the results obtained by each model. As an example
see file "VertCon-Comparison-Lake.pdf". At each data point are two text
annotations, the one in blue is the result from the original NOAA/NGS Vertcon
model, and the Red is from the USACE generated CERP-VertCon. One of the data
points in this file just at the west side of the lake has a red number of
-1.33, and a blue number of -1.18. What this means, is that for a published
NGVD29 elevation of 10.00', the original vertcon would return an NAVD88 of
8.82', while the new model would result in 8.67'...that's the 0.15'

-Jeff Navaille, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

C-38 Field Book 41E

Links of the Week

Question on Accuracy

What is the difference between relative accuracy and positional accuracy?

Armed Survey Crew

Callosahatchee River

What was the temperature in 1931? (on page 16)

2P1-Callosahatchee-River.pdf (36mb)

Coventional Wisdom Be Damned

National Land Parcel Data

I thought this subject too important to just send to the GIS Committee/User Group so I’ve included a bunch more of the membership out there in hopes of getting more people involved and informed on what’s going on in GIS and how it will affect surveying in the future.

Here is a link to the free on-line version of the “National Land Parcel Data – A vision for the Future”

I have also attached a PDF of the discussion earlier this year about this book on the Spatial Roundtable website

This is a very important issue that Surveyors need to take up and voice their opinion on in a unified manner. We need to proactively become part of the discussion and the direction that this data will be created, processed and used in the future. No matter what your level of understanding or use of GIS is, this could be a serious turning point in what surveying in the future will be.

GIS is growing by leaps and bounds and is pretty much an unstoppable force as to the question of “what’s next?” Changing technologies and the use of cloud web services and mash-ups involving thousands of servers and datasets across the globe connected together to act as one. Applications being written every minute of every day to work on GIS Servers, Phones, and multiple other devices to help us stay in touch in business and social networks.

What is our role as a Surveyor and Mapper? How are we going to stay the experts in measurements when GPS technologies and uses are becoming easier and easier for the everyday person to use and understand. How do we keep the expertise of being able to follow in the footsteps of those that came before us in defining the land and keeping the public interests at heart? We are losing our mystique and the expertise we have always had to keep us separated from the mainstream, so what are we going to do about it. Become involved and start reaching out to gain that knowledge you lack before it’s too late. Slow times are upon us, so there’s no better time to learn than now.

Please take the time to read through the on-line paper and the discussion and keep the profession in mind as to what our roles currently are and how that will change if we do not get more involved.

Richard D Pryce, P.S.M.


Capturing History at Mount Rushmore

Infected with Surveying

Map of the Week

SMART Surveying

Receding Railroads

COE Caloosahatchee River Topo Survey - 1929

Calloosahtchee Improvement District

Deepwater Horizon Drilling Rig

Forest Surveyor

Center of Section

What unusual corner markers have you found?

Volume 271 p602 Field Notes 39S 32E Lester Mann.pdf

“A Tree corner” the corner of sections 4,5,32 and 33 Townships 38 and 39 South, Range 33 East.

Which corners does this document cover?

Have you ever surveyed an imaginary line?

PLSS, ties to a Cherry?

Court Cases of the Week

Chapter 7401, F.S. from 1917

Sims v Town of New Chicago

Twp 42 S Rge 32 E

The American Surveyor Magazine

Get It Surveyed (GIS)
From Don Lanthorne (forwarded by Rick Pryce) this article from the March issue of online version of GPS World Magazine.

Wiki: American Surveyors

What are elder brush?

Hiatus between T50S R40E and T50S R41E

Martin County - Survey Control Map

Lee County GIS Data

Big Snake

ACOE - General Index of Design Memo's

Collier County Land Surveyor’s Web site

American Surveyor Archives

Surveying and mapping in the Coast and Geodetic Survey

California Surveyors Forum Archives

Surveyors in History

Official Map of the Everglades

GLONASS satellites successfully launched

Boundary Line Agreements

T52 R28 S1,4,9,21 & 28 Green WRW BS 1964

The Ellicott line and Ellicott stone

Polk County Historical Quarterly - March 1999

Big Gator

These were taken from under 70 East by Burger King.


Thanks to Angela Jones, GISP, Okeechobee County Property Appraiser's Office

Township 2 South Range 25 East

BLM Surveying and Mapping Terms

Bumper Sticker

Steamboat Communication

Surveyor hunts for old mounds marking Ala-Fla line

T25 R34 Sections 19-36

1973 Manual of Instruction

Suspended in Midair

Live Oak Island

The following field notes are very interesting and detailed (unlike today's field notes). They describe the contract with the crew, a Polaris shot in 1897 and much more. Field notes are our umbilical cord. But they are getting worse every year. In survey review, you always ask for the field notes. Too bad it is a lost art.

Field Notes.pdf (22 mb)

T44 R35 Section 2, 11 & 15 Topo

Earth Point - Tools for Google Earth

A Math Problem

Look at this attachment, Question # 2: GED-20091217-0005.TIF
Now measure the angles without a protractor: Math-Protractor-12-21-2009.bmp

A History of the Rectangular Survey System

How-To Guide to Successful Surface Modeling

Retracement Surveys and Undocument Corners

Township 61 Range 39

Map of the Week - T51 R32

The American Surveyor Blog

T52 R42 S16 Seuerelua FLDOT SR4 ROW 1934

Missouri-Iowa Boundary Line Investigation

Happy Thanksgiving

How do you make Pumpkin Pie? Pumpkin Pie.jpg

Palm Beach and Broward Counites

Undocumented Corners - Part 1


The art of telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they are actually looking forward to the trip.

SCS in Hendry County, Florida

T 44S R 30E

Quads In Google Earth

Plat Book 1 Page 140

Look at the PE’s certification on the map:

Plat Book 1 Page 140 BS 1915.pdf

Women in the Weather Service

What is a Palmetto Ledge?

What is a Palmetto Ledge?

Township 42 Range 36

How to Guide to Successful Surface Modeling

T40 R22 Section 36

Surveyors Helping Surveyors 2009

Are you an out-of-work surveyor trying to figure out how you're going to afford Christmas gifts this year? Do you know of someone else in that situation? The Matthews Co. Inc. and land surveyors from around the United States have teamed up to help bring Christmas to the families of 100 surveyors who are out of work due to the economy through a program called Surveyors Helping Surveyors 2009.

Posted By Kristi Grahl at

The Point of No Survey

New BLM Manual

Optech User Conference

Resurvey of Sections 30 & 31, T28 R38

Rattle Snake in St. Johns County near SR-206

Twp 34S Rge 40E

Lake Okeechobee to Lake Istokpoga 1916 by JB Phinney

How-To Guide for Successful Surface Modeling

1856 Ive’s Military Map - Memoirs

The 1856 Ive’s Military Map was posted, a while back, attached are the memoirs that go with it.

1856 Ives Military Map.pdf

Memoir To 1856 Map.pdf

Map of the Week

There is no telling where you will find original sectional data:

Plat Book 9 page 30 Highlands Co PR.pdf

What do you think about Plat Book 1, page 7?

Plat Book 1 Page 7 Highlands Co PR.pdf

Jacksonville District Benchmark Database

Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park

The Florida Cracker Trail

Southern Colonization Company

Ghost Towns and History of the American West

Everglades Pipeline Company

Compatibility IE6 to IE8

If you are having problems connecting to websites that operate in IE6, this outline from Ms Debbie Volk of Cooner and Assocaites will help.

SFWMD IE6 to IE8.pdf

Corpscon version 6 available

1Corpscon version 6 available at

The US Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District added a grid that utilizes the CERP Geodetic Monuments in South Florida, follow Mr. Jeff Navaille’s (SAJ CofE) instructions below:

1) Unzip and copy these files to: C:\Program Files\Corpscon6\Vertcon

2) When you open Corpscon ver. 6.0.1, go to the set up screen and click on the vertcon tab. Click the radio button on "Custom Vertcon Data Set", and navigate to and select "vertcon.txt".

3) Now for me, this is where it gets interesting, because even though you have selected the customized grid file, it will not use this customized file in the calculations, even though it says its using it in the header of the output file!

4) Here's where I exit the program and then start it up again...try it.

St. Augustine

Official Map St. Augustine Cover.tif

Official Map St. Augustine.tif

Thanks to Gail Oliver of St. Johns County Land Management Systems

Intracoastal Waterway, Jacksonville to Miami Project


excerpt from surveyor magazine.pdf (thanks to Steve Brickley of Culpepper and Terpening, Inc.)

Why do the Research?

Measuring Granite Peak

Fahka Union Canal

NGVD 29 or NAVD 88

The Drainage of the Everglades

T59 R39 S 1,2 & 12

Space Shuttle Pictures

East Coast Railroad Company

USA v. Paradise Prairie Land Company

T62 R38 - BLM vs State

The comparison between what the State has and what the BLM have are a lot different.

T62 R38 BLM.pdf vs T62 R38 State.pdf

In India, Old Land Records Go Digital

T35 R33 State and BLM

Rapid Fire Surveying

BIM and Scanning

Township 58 Range 38

Suprise, Arizona CAD & GIS

Watch your Language

Canal 107

T53 R40 Fraizer in Dade County

CCC Hendry County

Resurvey S 30 & 31, Twp 28S Rng 38E

Civilian Conservation Corps and Surveyors

Aviation Photography

Aviation Photography.pps

Thanks to Mike Horan of SFWMD.

Mobile Scanning

Aerial of the Week

The United States Geological Survey: 1879-1989

GIS Data Integration with the GCDB

The Unlicensed Land Surveyor

Snail Kite Farm - 1945

Why you dial before you dig?

Dial Before You Dig.pps

Provided by Jorge Alonso with FDEP.

C-23 Right of Way - 1951

1940 Greater Everglades and South Florida Aerial Photoset

St. Lucie Locks in 1906

Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee Drainage Areas

What is the difference between...

What is the difference between the State’s copies of T67R27 and the BLM’s copy?

Note that there is another reference on the BLM copy entered on "island land tract book”.  What is that referring to?

AutoCad 3D - Paving the Way


USGS Earth Explorer:

USGS The National Map Seamless Server:

What is a posted benchmark?

Red Cattle Company

Kreamer Island, Lake Okeechobee

Marker Off, But Four Corners Monument Legit

Provided by Adam Dao with Creech Engineers, Inc.

Reconnaissance Survey

Okeechobee Waterway

A Land Remembered

“A Land Remembered” by Patrick D. Smith published in the mid 80’s (I’d guess ’84 maybe).  It is really a thinly veiled  story of John MacArthur’s family.  It describes in detail the cattle drives to Tampa and the gold payments and how that gold turned into the South Florida empire of the MacArthur Estates.

Recommended by Mike Joiner, FL DOT

'Lady Sabal Palm': A witness to history

by Chappy Young, owner of the Palm City-based surveying and mapping firm GCY, been surveying in South Florida for 43 years.

T48 R36 Dependent Resurvey

T48 R36 BLM Dependent Survey.pdf

T48 R36 BLM Letter.pdf (Without the letter you might survey the wrong stuff)

Elevation Certificate - NEW FORM

T47 R 41 Section 1 & 2 Field Notes

GPS Network Points (kmz)

FDOT GPS Network - FPRN GPS BASES.kmz (opens in Google Earth)

Lengemann GPS Network - LNET GPS Bases.kmz (opens in Google Earth)

PBC - Unrecorded Plats

Notice anything different?

Look at the BLM Copies and then look at the States copies of this Township and Range, notice anything different?

T43 R27 State.pdf -vs- T43 R27 BLM.pdf

Are you looking for additional data....

Are you looking for additional data that maybe available on a particular Township and Range?

Government Plats Contacts.doc

Who is the County Surveyor?

Miami River

Jonathon Dickinson State Park


Type in your favorite acronym and see what the various meaning are I’ve used POB as an example:

Acronym - Definition

POB - Point of Beginning (land surveying)


T51 R41 BLM

T51 R41 BLM.pdf (Note: Right of Way Shown on Dependent Resurvey)

T51 R41 Newman 1908

T51 R41 JNewman Vol 259 p 463-475 1908.pdf (note: measurements are in feet)

Ritta & Kreamer Island

T59 R37 Prewitt-Nall

Last weeks map was a plat by the GLO in the patent. This weeks map ties in to that survey and extends it several townships to the South and it is in NAD27 State Plane, very high tech for the time. It also has a T.I.I.T.F. Resolution and field notes. The map is a Reconnaissance Survey. I’m not sure what that is, but if you follow the notes they set section corners like a survey or a dependant resurvey or a resurvey or even a boundary type survey. Read the field notes they are very interesting. If you’ve worked in or visited the park you will understand what they are talking about. I wonder if this is one of the first “Surveyor’s Reports”. Also there is a possible mistake with one of the corners, can you find it?

I don’t believe that the map is readily posted to any website. If you know of it please share it.

A plot of that data on a 2004 aerial: plot.jpg
Reconnaissance Survey: T59 R37 S13 Prewitt-Nall.pdf
TIITF Resolution:  TIITF Resolution.pdf
Field Notes: Field Notes Vol273 p388-402.pdf

Twp 58 S Range 35 E Dependent Resurvey

OR 21820 PG 757

Read parcel 800-001, then lay it out

OR 21820 PG 757.pdf


ORB 1004 Page 284

Who do you think wrote a legal description that uses feet and inches in the bearing? ORB1004 p284.pdf

Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project

1856 Ives Military Map of Florida Peninsula

Aerial of the Week

Everglades National Park

Upper St. Johns Area

Datum Shifts and Geoid Height Models

F-14 USSS Tennessee

Super Fly By

We all need tools

Surveyors Historical Society

In 1977, a group of surveyors in California met and agreed to form a new non profit society not bound by any geographical boundaries: Their interest - the preservation of the history of the science of surveying. Their purpose - to form a society that would realize that purpose. Thus, the Surveyors Historical Society (SHS) was formed.

The Surveyors Historical Society is dedicated to the public purposes of preserving historical surveying instruments, artifacts, records and memorabilia. SHS is also dedicated to educating the general public about the history of surveying. The Society has developed programs to honor historical surveying points, and the surveyors who have made significant contributions to the profession through the implementation of a public marker program. SHS cooperates at all opportunities with persons and organizations that share the public benefit purpose of education concerning the history of all branches of the science of surveying.

Acceptance of SHS objectives has grown rapidly and membership has spread around the world. Exhibits have been set up on numerous occasions at state, regional and national meetings of surveyors and photogrammetrists.

Township 57 South, Range 40 East by Garris in 1959

Somewhere in South Florida near US 27

Scenes in a Surveyor's Life

"Here is a link to a digital book I happened across last year when I was doing some research at BSM.  I thought you might enjoy it.";subview=fullcitation;idno=FS00000067

I copied all of the book files and made one file.  It is here: Scenes in a Surveyor's Life Perry 1859.pdf

By Mr. Steve Sharp RLS of Cooner and Associates

T49 R42 & 43 Broward County 1952

The High-precision Transcontinental Traverse

The Transcontinental Traverse, a survey that crisscrossed the entire contiguous United States along three east-west and five north-south corridors, was the most accurate large-area survey ever done prior to Global Positioning System surveys. This nationwide survey increased the accuracy of the existing U.S. survey network. It was also fundamental to the sophisticated mathematical readjustment of the nation's survey network known as the North American Datum of 1983.

Suncoast Estates

Mapping the World

FCE 43

FCE43.pdf, from Mr. Chris McLaughlin of Wantman Group

Twp 42 Rng 30 & 31

Traversing the Law

2008 Florida Statute 177.509

Aerial of the Week 2008-12-19

Water Control District of South Brevard vs Davidson, Love


This court case deals with 298 Drainage Districts and their rights of ways.

Roads presumed to be dedicated

2008 FS95.361.pdf

Suggest that you read the whole statute

C-33 Right of Way Map 1965

Hillsborough Plantation Tract

Big B Ranch

NGS and Google Earth

Hidden Point Offset

FL 130

Babcock Florida Company

Caloosahatchee River Valley

Africanized Honey Bees

SFWMD - Survey Monument BenchMark Database

Biscayne Engineering - Celebrates 110 Years

The Greatest Milestone: Biscayne Engineering Company in Miami Celebrates 110 Years.

Thanksgiving from 2 Great Surveyors

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted' for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have show kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1789.G. Washington

Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plough, the shuttle, or the ship; the axe had enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years, with large increase of freedom.

No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.

It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. A. Lincoln

Everglades National Park

Boundary Survey of the Everglades National Park by ER Brownell in 1967 and a map by Prewitt & Nall 1955 &1956 of the Flamingo area.

Everglades National Park.pdf
T60 R33 Prewitt Nall 1955-1956.pdf

Aerial of the Week

NGS and Google Earth

1946 Survey by Mr. Carl Johnson (T40 & 41S R38E)

This week’s map of the week is a 1946 Survey by Mr. Carl Johnson of Various lines in that part of Township 40 S., Rge. 38 E. and Township 41S., Rge. 38E.   This survey was used in an agreement in Deed Book 1010, page 390.  USSC-Chastain DB 1010 pg 390.pdf

In Twp. 40 S., Rge. 38 E. the North boundary was surveyed in 1853 by M.A. Williams Deputy Surveyor and the East, West and South, Boundaries of the Township and the Section lines were survey in 1855 by William J. Reyes.

In Twp. 40 S., Rge. 38 E. the North and East boundaries were surveyed by A.H. Jones in 1845 and the section lines were survey by Wm. J. Reyes in 1855.

The South Boundary was survey in 1916 by the State Surveyor Otis A. Hardin. The West boundary was surveyed in 1855 by W.J. Reyes.  Mr. Johnson’s survey protracted the remaining sections.

T40R38 BLM.pdf
T40R38S3,4&7-36 Johnson Johnson 1946.pdf
T41R38 BLM.pdf
T42S R38E_053.tif 

Following are his field notes. Please take time to go through them, they are excellent.

USSC FB U98.pdf
USSC FB U99.pdf
USSC FB V96.pdf
USSC FB V98.pdf

Aerial of the Week



Now on Labins - Original Survey Plats and Sales Plats

The Color Plat images are from the ORIGINAL survey of Florida. The Black and White Plat images are either a copy of the color OR are additional surveys performed after the ORIGINALs were completed.

The sales plats were created by the State Land Office to visibly track original land sales out of the the State by original patent and currently are on file at State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). These lands were designated lands granted to the State of Florida by Acts of Congress and therefore available for the State to sell.

Palm Beach County - Unrecorded Plats

FEMA - Flood Smart

Martin County Plats

Traversing the Law

Principal Meridians and Base Lines

FC Elliot Maps

Collier County Surveys - PB2 PG 1-40


DOC081023.pdf (30 mb file)

Lake Clark

DSWorld (Version 1.00)

DSWorld plots NGS network points by state, county and type (vertical or horizontal) in Google Earth. Google Earth must be installed prior to running DSWorld.

Retracement Camp (Lane and Corky)

I have suggested to have Lane and Corky get together one more time to do a BLM retracement seminar and video tape it.  I believe that these gentlemen are some of the best at their trade and the last of an era.  It is a chance to get first hand information on how section corners were set and how they should be retraced. The interaction between them is well worth the video.

I’m asking that you (FSMS), please look into having these gentleman do one last retracement seminar, regardless of the cost, so that we can have a first hand account of their knowledge, understanding and experiences of how a BLM survey should be done.

Is there any interest?


FL119.pdf (18 mb file)

Township 49-51S Range 35 East

LIDAR - Statewide Specs and Status

How to Prepare a Survey Report?

Plats Revised with Resolutions

Collier County revises their plat with resolutions.

T49 R27 S5&6 GGE7 PB4 p95

Township 44 South, Range 36 East

The American Surveyor RTN - 101 Part 15

T43 R39 Hardin TIIF 1916 1919 r1926


Can Retracements Be Confidential

Pelican Lake - Pictures

Pelican Lake


Can the Clerk of the Court refuse to record a plat?

Where to get "Corpscon"?

T42 R37 S19,30,31 Walls Eng 1926

DOC 080910-002

Job Opportunity in Alaska

Would you like to make a little extra money?

Position Open: Surveyor Salary: $500.00 per hour (tax-free)

Qualification:Must be fast on your feet, and have substantial endurance.







The Marriage of GIS and Land Surveying

T44 R41 RF Ensey Field Notes

T44 R41 Supplemental Plat


T 26 R 29-2

DOC 080829

Preparing a Survey Report - Part 4

Machine Control Redux

Hanson Grant

DOC 080821

American Surveyor Article

Test yourself (skip the first one)

T42R31S26 Fredrick 1917

Aerial 81508

SP No. 255

Hermansen Survey Report - Part 4




The Digital Divide

Aerial 80108

Gomez Grant

Aerial 080725

Map 0020

Aerial Photography Florida

T41 R37 S11 NE Corner



Adapx Digital Pen and Capturx for ArcGIS

Micro Survey CAD 2008

Aerial 71108


Map T45 R33

15 foot Python

Preparing a Survey Report

T40 R 38 S30 sw corner

COE L-8 ROW 1949

Aerial DQ1011


Due to Budget Cuts

Keith Assoc 062408

L5-2 Monument Layout 1958



Found by Mr. Art Hollin SFWMD in the Kissimmee River Valley Area

Meeting the Specs

Pin Cushion

COE Miltry Res ORB 119 PG 45

FL 286-1

Canadian Spatial Reference System

UF Subsidence Report

T58 R39S Schwebke 1949

FL 188 1

FL 238


West Farm Road

Reference Systems

T24 R34 noname C&SFFCD Twp Map 1970

Aerial May 23rd

Where is it?

Leica ADE Enhances Florida Turnpike's Mobile Asset Management Solution

SFWMD Benchmark Database

Everglades Restoration by Tisher

Use of Tidal Datum's in the Law by Brisco


T42 R33 S7,15-36 Frederick 1916


What did they do after lunch?

What did they do after lunch.pdf

From Mr. Tom Whidden PSM

FL 230

Four seeking surveyor post in Hancock County

Jenkins-Woolpert Best Practices

Wayne County Surveyor

From Mr. Steven J. Hyde Surveyor (FL,OH,KY,WV,TN,ID,AL,SD,ND,NC,SC,WY & USVI)

FL287 Bosworth 28 feb 68s

What is an SAD Card?

SAD Card.pdf

Answer: SAD is a Corps of Engineers "SAD" - South Atlantic Division

Map 04252008

DOC 0804251

Question on North Arrows...

Why do some North Arrows only have half a head and when they do what does that indicate?

From Mr. Paul H. Beaulieu II, SIT, CST

Answer: A full headed north arrow indicates either true north or an assumed northerly direction while the half headed arrow indicates the use of magnetic north and the side of the line ith head lies indicates the direction of the magnetic declination.

Pioneer Families of the Kissimme River Valley

Fort Kissimmee

What does B.B.T. stand for?

From the January 4, 2008 map of the week the question was asked "what does B.B.T. stand for?"

see FB73Hp7and8.pdf

DOC 080417-001-1


Map 04-11-2008

The Map of the Week coincides with the aerial from last week.  Note the detail in the field notes.



Lyme Disease - U of F Report